My first post!
I have some exciting news! We all know I love travelling! I have schemed and dreamed about travelling and visiting the far corners of the earth since I was a little girl…riding my bike to the library to check out books about adventures to far-away-lands, listening to records (yes, records!!) in foreign languages that I wanted to learn, being fixated on flags from all over the world (affixing them to my bedroom door as a kid…), even attending several different language camps during my childhood summers… I also love writing, blogging and sharing my opinions! I finally have the chance to couple my two greatest passions: blogging about travel! Aside from getting my own blog up and running, 2 Moms Travel, I was one of 15 applicants (out of ~650!) to be chosen to blog for Hilton Mom Voyage It was on a whim that I applied after receiving the link from a friend. I mulled over the application for a few days, but finally sat down with a pot of coffee and dusted off my writing brain and had to remember that writing 200 + words takes more thought than a quickly fired off text full of LOL’s, LMAO and silly emoticons. Not only am I excited, my family is thrilled and super supportive….of course, there is some incentive in this for them as well. wink emoticon Stayed tuned! I attend training in DC in March with an incredible bunch of moms (and dads!) that I have already met via social networking
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2 Moms Travel
Thank you so much for coming to our site and interacting with us! We love sharing our travel experiences and hope we can inspire you to travel! When the blog first started, LGBT travel with kids wasn’t as prevalent as today. We love that sharing our stories has encouraged others to travel not only within the United States, but all over the world! Because our itineraries have been popular with our readers, 2 Moms Travel now is also an official travel company!
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